What is Trivy?
pronounced like trigger, vy
pronounced like envy) is a simple and comprehensive vulnerability scanner for containers and other artifacts.
A software vulnerability is a glitch, flaw, or weakness present in the software or in an Operating System.
detects vulnerabilities of OS packages (Alpine, RHEL, CentOS, etc.) and application dependencies (Bundler, Composer, npm, yarn, etc.).
is easy to use. Just install the binary, and you're ready to scan. All you need to do for scanning is to specify a target such as an image name of the container.
To learn more about the Trivy scanner itself visit Trivy's GitHub Repository.
The trivy chart can be deployed via helm:
# Install HelmChart (use -n to configure another namespace)
helm upgrade --install trivy secureCodeBox/trivy
Scanner Configuration
The following security scan configuration example are based on the Trivy Documentation, please take a look at the original documentation for more configuration examples.
Trivy Container Image Scan
Currently we support the follwing 3 scanTypes, corresponding to the trivy scanning modes:
- scanType: "trivy-image"
- parameters:
- parameters:
- scanType: "trivy-filesystem"
- parameters:
- parameters:
- scanType: "trivy-repo"
- parameters:
- parameters:
A complete example of each scanType are listed below in our example docs section.
Simply specify an image name (and a tag) when you use the scanType trivy-image
. But there are also some additional configuration options e.g:
- Filter the vulnerabilities by severities
--severity HIGH,CRITICAL ruby:2.4.0
- Filter the vulnerabilities by type (
)--vuln-type os ruby:2.4.0
- Skip update of vulnerability DB:
--skip-update python:3.4-alpine3.9
- Ignore unfixed vulnerabilities:
--ignore-unfixed ruby:2.4.0
By default, Trivy also detects unpatched/unfixed vulnerabilities. This means you can't fix these vulnerabilities even if you update all packages. If you would like to ignore them, use the--ignore-unfixed
A complete scan definition for the secureCodeBox repository may look something like this:
apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "trivy-scb"
scanType: "trivy-image"
- bkimminich/juice-shop:v10.2.0
Scanning Many Targets
By default, the docker container of trivy will download new rulesets when starting the process. As this download is performed directly from GitHub, you will run into API rate limiting issues after roughly 50 requests. Trivy supports a client-server mode where one process downloads a copy of the rule database and provides it to the others. Due to limitations in trivy, this mode currently only supports scanning container images. If this fits your use case, you can deploy a rule service with the following template:
# First declare a service that will serve requests to the rule pod
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: trivy-rules
# Update the namespace here if you are using a different one
namespace: default
app: trivy-rules
app: trivy-rules
- port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
type: ClusterIP
# Now declare the actual deployment of the rule server
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: trivy-rules
# Again, update the namespace here
namespace: default
app: trivy-rules
replicas: 1
app: trivy-rules
app: trivy-rules
- name: trivy-rules
# Don't forget to set this to a version matching that used in secureCodeBox
image: aquasec/trivy:0.20.2
imagePullPolicy: Always
- "server"
- "--listen"
- ""
- containerPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
You can then start scans of images using the client mode. For example:
apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "test-trivy"
# Don't forget to update the namespace if necessary
namespace: default
scanType: "trivy-image"
- "client"
# Again, add the extra parameters here (required to make the parser work)
# But don't add the --no-progress switch.
- "--format"
- "json"
- "--output"
- "/home/securecodebox/trivy-results.json"
# Specify the rule service internal DNS name here.
# (Substitute a different namespace if you changed it)
- "--remote"
- "http://trivy-rules.default.svc:8080"
# Finally, specify the image you want to scan
- "securecodebox/operator:3.0.0"
If you want to scan anything other than docker images, you currently cannot use the client-server mode described above. Instead, you have to manually download the ruleset and provide it to trivy. In practice, this is a difficult problem because the most natural method for providing these files in kubernetes, ConfigMaps, has a size limit of 1 MB, while the vulnerability database is over 200 MB in size (28 MB after compression). Your best bet would thus be to serve the files from your own servers and load them into the scanner using an initContainer, taking care to keep the databases on your server up to date. Consult the trivy documentation for additional details on the required steps.
Kubernetes: >=v1.11.0-0
Key | Type | Default | Description |
cascadingRules.enabled | bool | false | Enables or disables the installation of the default cascading rules for this scanner |
createAutoDiscoveryScanType | bool | false | Creates a trivy-image-autodiscovery scanType with its own ServiceAccount for the SCB AutoDiscovery, enabled to scan images from both public & private registries. |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] | Define imagePullSecrets when a private registry is used (see: |
parser.affinity | object | {} | Optional affinity settings that control how the parser job is scheduled (see: |
parser.env | list | [] | Optional environment variables mapped into each parseJob (see: |
parser.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. More info: |
parser.image.repository | string | "" | Parser image repository |
parser.image.tag | string | defaults to the charts version | Parser image tag |
parser.resources | object | { requests: { cpu: "200m", memory: "100Mi" }, limits: { cpu: "400m", memory: "200Mi" } } | Optional resources lets you control resource limits and requests for the parser container. See |
parser.scopeLimiterAliases | object | {} | Optional finding aliases to be used in the scopeLimiter. |
parser.tolerations | list | [] | Optional tolerations settings that control how the parser job is scheduled (see: |
parser.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | string | nil | seconds after which the kubernetes job for the parser will be deleted. Requires the Kubernetes TTLAfterFinished controller: |
scanner.activeDeadlineSeconds | string | nil | There are situations where you want to fail a scan Job after some amount of time. To do so, set activeDeadlineSeconds to define an active deadline (in seconds) when considering a scan Job as failed. (see: |
scanner.affinity | object | {} | Optional affinity settings that control how the scanner job is scheduled (see: |
scanner.backoffLimit | int | 3 | There are situations where you want to fail a scan Job after some amount of retries due to a logical error in configuration etc. To do so, set backoffLimit to specify the number of retries before considering a scan Job as failed. (see: |
scanner.env | list | [] | Optional environment variables mapped into each scanJob (see: |
scanner.extraContainers | list | [] | Optional additional Containers started with each scanJob (see: |
scanner.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] | Optional VolumeMounts mapped into each scanJob (see: |
scanner.extraVolumes | list | [] | Optional Volumes mapped into each scanJob (see: |
scanner.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. More info: |
scanner.image.repository | string | "" | Container Image to run the scan |
scanner.image.tag | string | nil | defaults to the charts appVersion |
scanner.nameAppend | string | nil | append a string to the default scantype name. |
scanner.podSecurityContext | object | {} | Optional securityContext set on scanner pod (see: |
scanner.resources | object | {} | CPU/memory resource requests/limits (see:, |
scanner.securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["all"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":false,"runAsNonRoot":false} | Optional securityContext set on scanner container (see: |
scanner.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false | Ensure that users privileges cannot be escalated |
scanner.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "all" | This drops all linux privileges from the container. |
scanner.securityContext.privileged | bool | false | Ensures that the scanner container is not run in privileged mode |
scanner.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | false | Prevents write access to the containers file system |
scanner.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | false | Enforces that the scanner image is run as a non root user |
scanner.tolerations | list | [] | Optional tolerations settings that control how the scanner job is scheduled (see: |
scanner.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | string | nil | seconds after which the kubernetes job for the scanner will be deleted. Requires the Kubernetes TTLAfterFinished controller: |
Code of secureCodeBox is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
This example shows how to use the trivy filesystem
scan with the secureCodeBox. You can use a ìnitContainer
and also volumeMounts
to point to the filesystem you want to scan.
- Scan
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "trivy-filesystem"
scanType: "trivy-filesystem"
# Define a volume and mount it at /repo in the scan container to have a filesystem in place
- name: repo
emptyDir: {}
- name: repo
mountPath: "/repo/"
# Define an init container to run the git clone for us
- name: "git-clone"
image: bitnami/git
# Specify that the "repo" volume should also be mounted on the
# initContainer
- name: repo
mountPath: "/repo/"
# Clone to /repo in the init container
- git
- clone
# Add access token to the URL for authenticated HTTPS clone
- ""
- /repo/
- "/repo"
This example shows how to use the trivy image
scan with the secureCodeBox.
- Scan
- Findings
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "trivy-juiceshop"
organization: "OWASP"
scanType: "trivy-image"
- "bkimminich/juice-shop:v10.2.0"
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"Target": "bkimminich/juice-shop:v10.2.0 (alpine 3.11.5)",
"VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2020-1967",
"PkgName": "openssl",
"InstalledVersion": "1.1.1d-r3",
"FixedVersion": "1.1.1g-r0",
"DiffID": "sha256:beee9f30bc1f711043e78d4a2be0668955d4b761d587d6f60c2c8dc081efb203",
"Title": "openssl: Segmentation fault in SSL_check_chain causes denial of service",
"Description": 'Server or client applications that call the SSL_check_chain() function during or after a TLS 1.3 handshake may crash due to a NULL pointer dereference as a result of incorrect handling of the "signature_algorithms_cert" TLS extension. The crash occurs if an invalid or unrecognised signature algorithm is received from the peer. This could be exploited by a malicious peer in a Denial of Service attack. OpenSSL version 1.1.1d, 1.1.1e, and 1.1.1f are affected by this issue. This issue did not affect OpenSSL versions prior to 1.1.1d. Fixed in OpenSSL 1.1.1g (Affected 1.1.1d-1.1.1f).',
"Severity": "HIGH",
{"Target": "juice-shop/frontend/package-lock.json", "Vulnerabilities": null},
"Target": "juice-shop/package-lock.json",
"VulnerabilityID": "NSWG-ECO-428",
"PkgName": "base64url",
"InstalledVersion": "0.0.6",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=3.0.0",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "Out-of-bounds Read",
"Description": "`base64url` allocates uninitialized Buffers when number is passed in input on Node.js 4.x and below",
"Severity": "HIGH",
"VulnerabilityID": "NSWG-ECO-17",
"PkgName": "jsonwebtoken",
"InstalledVersion": "0.1.0",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=4.2.2",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "Verification Bypass",
"Description": 'It is possible for an attacker to bypass verification when "a token digitally signed with an asymetric key (RS/ES family) of algorithms but instead the attacker send a token digitally signed with a symmetric algorithm (HS* family)" [1]',
"Severity": "HIGH",
"VulnerabilityID": "NSWG-ECO-17",
"PkgName": "jsonwebtoken",
"InstalledVersion": "0.4.0",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=4.2.2",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "Verification Bypass",
"Description": 'It is possible for an attacker to bypass verification when "a token digitally signed with an asymetric key (RS/ES family) of algorithms but instead the attacker send a token digitally signed with a symmetric algorithm (HS* family)" [1]',
"Severity": "HIGH",
"VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2016-1000223",
"PkgName": "jws",
"InstalledVersion": "0.2.6",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=3.0.0",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "Forgeable Public/Private Tokens",
"Description": "Since \"algorithm\" isn't enforced in `jws.verify()`, a malicious user could choose what algorithm is sent to the server. If the server is expecting RSA but is sent HMAC-SHA with RSA's public key, the server will think the public key is actually an HMAC private key. This could be used to forge any data an attacker wants.\n\nIn addition, there is the `none` algorithm to be concerned about. In versions prior to 3.0.0, verification of the token could be bypassed when the `alg` field is set to `none`.\n\n*Edit ( 7/29/16 ): A previous version of this advisory incorrectly stated that the vulnerability was patched in version 2.0.0 instead of 3.0.0. The advisory has been updated to reflect this new information. Thanks to Fabien Catteau for reporting the error.*",
"Severity": "HIGH",
"VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2018-16487",
"PkgName": "lodash",
"InstalledVersion": "2.4.2",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=4.17.11",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "lodash: Prototype pollution in utilities function",
"Description": "A prototype pollution vulnerability was found in lodash \u003c4.17.11 where the functions merge, mergeWith, and defaultsDeep can be tricked into adding or modifying properties of Object.prototype.",
"Severity": "HIGH",
"VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2018-3721",
"PkgName": "lodash",
"InstalledVersion": "2.4.2",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=4.17.5",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "lodash: Prototype pollution in utilities function",
"Description": 'lodash node module before 4.17.5 suffers from a Modification of Assumed-Immutable Data (MAID) vulnerability via defaultsDeep, merge, and mergeWith functions, which allows a malicious user to modify the prototype of "Object" via __proto__, causing the addition or modification of an existing property that will exist on all objects.',
"Severity": "MEDIUM",
"VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2016-4055",
"PkgName": "moment",
"InstalledVersion": "2.0.0",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=2.11.2",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "moment.js: regular expression denial of service",
"Description": 'The duration function in the moment package before 2.11.2 for Node.js allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via a long string, aka a "regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)."',
"Severity": "HIGH",
"VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2016-1000237",
"PkgName": "sanitize-html",
"InstalledVersion": "1.4.2",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=1.4.3",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "XSS - Sanitization not applied recursively",
"Description": "sanitize-html before 1.4.3 has XSS.",
"Severity": "MEDIUM",
"VulnerabilityID": "NSWG-ECO-154",
"PkgName": "sanitize-html",
"InstalledVersion": "1.4.2",
"FixedVersion": "\u003e=1.11.4",
"DiffID": "sha256:6de27bb627f066285f0628172e686caf3e388a3bf266606c88d619d87d14aae3",
"Title": "Cross Site Scripting",
"Description": "Sanitize-html is a library for scrubbing html input of malicious values.\n\nVersions 1.11.1 and below are vulnerable to cross site scripting (XSS) in certain scenarios:\n\nIf allowed at least one nonTextTags, the result is a potential XSS vulnerability.\nPoC:\n\n```\nvar sanitizeHtml = require('sanitize-html');\n\nvar dirty = '!\u003ctextarea\u003e\u0026lt;/textarea\u0026gt;\u003csvg/onload=prompt`xs`\u0026gt;\u003c/textarea\u003e!';\nvar clean = sanitizeHtml(dirty, {\n allowedTags: [ 'textarea' ]\n});\n\nconsole.log(clean);\n\n// !\u003ctextarea\u003e\u003c/textarea\u003e\u003csvg/onload=prompt`xs`\u003e\u003c/textarea\u003e!\n```",
"Severity": "MEDIUM",
This example shows how to use the trivy image
scan with the secureCodeBox.
- Scan
- Findings
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "trivy-mediawiki"
scanType: "trivy-image"
- "mediawiki:stable"
The findings are too large to display, you may download the file.
This example shows how to use the trivy repo
scan with the secureCodeBox.
- Scan
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "trivy-repo-github"
scanType: "trivy-repo"
- ""